

MR®85 is an NDT-approved non-halogenated solvent-based cleaner/remover for pre-cleaning (removes oils, greases and other contaminants) and removing excess surface penetrant from an inspection area before applying developer during liquid penetrant testing. It dries quickly without leaving any residue on the surface.

SKUPack SizeCase Size
2511-0006Aerosol 400ml10
2511-0048Bulk 1L6
2511-0076Bulk 5L
2511-0132Bulk 20L

  •   Alcohol based
  •   Non halogenated cleaner
  •   Residue free
  •   Fast dry
  •   Controlled application
  •   Non toxic
  •   Does not overclean
  •   Suitable for all metals (suitability for plastics & ceramics requires testing prior to use)

    Additional information
PropertiesAppearance – clear volatile liquid
Chemical Composition – mixture of alcohols
Basis – solvent
Odour – characteristic
ApprovalsAMS 2644
ASME Code V; Art. 6
ASTM E1417
TLV 9017 01
JIS – 2343-2
Recommended UsageNDT Method – Dye Penetrant Testing
Compatibility – all penetrants
Area Coverage ~ 6 sq m (400ml nett Aerosol can) ; ~ 19 sq m (1 L)
Usage Temperature – 14°F to 131°F / -10 °C to +55 °C
Storage Temperature – 41°F to 113°F / +5 °C to +45 °C
Reference Test BlocksReference test block type 1 (Ni-Cr panel)
Reference test block type 2 (5-star panel)
ASTM test block (Aluminium comparator block) TAM panel
    How it Works

There are different types of cleaners used in NDT, such as solvent cleaners, emulsion cleaners, and aqueous cleaners. Solvent cleaners are typically used for removing oily or greasy contaminants, while emulsion cleaners are used for removing both oily and non-oily contaminants. Aqueous cleaners are water-based and are typically used for cleaning sensitive materials that cannot tolerate solvent cleaners.

Pre-Cleaners in NDT are used to remove contaminants such as oil, grease, dirt, and other foreign materials from the surface of the material being inspected. They work by breaking down the chemical bonds between the contaminants and the surface of the material, allowing them to be easily removed.

Intermediate Cleaners in NDT are used to remove the excess penetrant from the surface while retaining the penetrant inside the discontinuity. This is achieved by ensuring the special solvent mixture; when applied on the substrate cleans the excess penetrant on the surface and optimally dries without cleaning the penetrant seeped in the discontinuity.

    GHS Category
Bulk Aerosol

A cleaner in NDT (non-destructive testing) is a type of cleaning solution used to prepare the surface of a material for inspection. It is used to remove contaminants such as oil, grease, dirt, and other surface impurities that could interfere with the inspection process.

There are various types of cleaners used in NDT, including solvent-based cleaners, aqueous cleaners, and emulsifiers. Solvent-based cleaners are often used for removing heavy oils and greases, while aqueous cleaners are used for water-soluble contaminants. Emulsifiers are used for both types of contaminants.

A pre-cleaner is based on a mixture of highly-volatile solvents for en effective cleaning of surface from heavy contaminants whereas an intermediate cleaner is based on a mixture of lower-volative solvents which effectively removes only the penetrant during the process.

MR® Cleaners can easily be interchanged depending on the application. However, care has to be taken to use only the solvent-based cleaners from MR Chemie as they are engineered to work in the penetrant system. General Cleaners have no guarantee to work effectively and may hamper the indications.

When using a cleaner in NDT, workers should follow safety precautions to prevent skin or eye contact, inhalation, and ingestion. They should wear protective gear, such as gloves, safety glasses, and a mask, as well as use the cleaner in a well-ventilated area. They should also follow the manufacturer's instructions for the proper use and disposal of the cleaner.

The use of a cleaner in NDT provides several benefits, including improved inspection accuracy and reduced false indications due to surface contaminants. It also reduces the background after the application of the developer to product a low-noise and high-clarity indication.